Beyond Thoughts & Imagination

If you have more than one passion, why limit yourself? Nothing is impossible.


Full time creative, Dumo Xaba is dedicated to telling stories through novels, poetry, photography, and film.


Dingane Mkhize is a criminal defence lawyer known for navigating the grey areas of the law to win difficult cases at any cost. He must face off against one of the best lawyers from his former firm to defend a client he’s not sure is innocent.

“Once you start reading it [A Dubious Alliance] you cannot put it down!”

— Mantoa Hlophe, Author


Uthando Lwami

Poetic Type of Love: Uthando Lwami is a collection of poetry about, Finding Love, Fall Outs, Heartbreak, Accepting and Experiencing Love.

The Legacy

The Legacy is a self-reflective collection of poetry about Desolation, Fighting Doubt, Newfound Self-worth, Gratitude, Acceptance and Hope.

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